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Payment Gateway Service
A payment gateway is a software program integrated to a customer's website to transmit transaction data to the Credit Card / Net Banking / Cash Card / Mobile Payment acquirer for authorization and settlement.
This "Payment Gateway" is specifically designed to accommodate the increasing demand by e-commerce companies for sophisticated multi-currency payment solutions to tap the enormous opportunities for global Internet transactions. Payment Gateway also includes several exciting new technologies that enable e-commerce businesses to display pricing in a customer's local currency while providing back-end settlement and reporting to the merchant in the currency of its own choice
Payment Gateway services are offered by Banks like CitiBank, HDFC, ICICI etc and the companies like CCavenue, Paypal etc who are authorized to accept Credit Card online. Payment Gateway services is the heart of E-commerce which enables transaction online.
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They provide you with Merchant ID No which helps to manage and maintain your accounts.
We at Snicktech helps you to choose the right Payment Gateway Service Provider and integrate the software with your website to facilitate transaction online
Need more Info on Payment Gateway? Call us at
91 44 24925554
or Mail us at : contactus@snicktech.com. We understand and deliver your needs.
Payment Gateway Service
Mobile Application Development
Content Management Systems